Random Walk Styling with J.M. Weston

Hello, I’m Kim Junwon from Random Walk.Before I knew it, the season has come for me to wrap myself up in a thick coat and down jacket as my morning work approaches below zero.In line with these seasonal changes, there have been many changes in the clothes of our random walk staff.I would like to have time to introduce the styling of the staff, so please pay a lot of attention.To begin with, we will introduce the staff with J.M. Weston, a shoe brand representing Random Walk.J.The details of MWeston will be posted on the blog written by Taehyung, who recently joined our team.https://blog.naver.com/rdwk2012/223244458096Walk Through #1 – J.M. Weston (Jayem Weston) Hello, I’m Lee Taehyung from Random Work. There is a saying that good shoes take you to a good place…blog.naver.comWalk Through #1 – J.M. Weston (Jayem Weston) Hello, I’m Lee Taehyung from Random Work. There is a saying that good shoes take you to a good place…blog.naver.comMochacin 180 Dark Brown Box Calves & Black Box CalvesFirst of all, we will introduce the styling of the Mocassin 180 model, which is the most popular among the staff. The Mocassin 180 is J.M. Weston’s representative shoe, and is the most prominent of the popular Penny Loafers. It is also the model most loved by our customers.Manager Kim Do-gyu, who has a wide range of styling, often wears Mocassin 180 Brown and Black products.Mocassin180 is a model that goes well with manager Kim Do-gyu, who enjoys various styling, as it has the charm of coexisting toughness and elegance. The instep is also made higher than other brands of loafers, and it is also the most popular model for manager Kim Do-gyu, who has a slightly higher instep.This is a picture of the manager who recently went on vacation in Paris. Shoes with comfortable feet are the most important thing during the trip, so manager Kim Do-gyu chose Mocassin 180 without worrying about it. It’s not too much of a burden to walk a lot and it’s enough to dress up, so there’s plenty of reason to look for the Mocassin 180 while traveling. Even if it’s not a special styling, 180 is enough to give you a French vibe. The romantic background of Paris is a bonus.Next, Dong Kyu, who is gentlemanly and pretty on the random walk, likes to wear Mocassin 180 Black & Brown products. Mocassin180 is always the right answer for Dong Kyu, who likes to wear neat and beautiful looks to match his usual image.The Mocassin 180 goes well with formal attire like the one above. Compared to the dress loafers, the last one is round, but the unique glossiness of the box scarf and natural wrinkles seem to add to the elegance of the look. It’s been two years since Dong Kyu bought it, and even though he wore it frequently, he wears it without any major damage to the leatherDong Kyu’s neat and clean look is the best, but the Mocassin 180 is the best. Dong Kyu, who usually enjoys a suit or neat casual styling, chooses the Mocassin 180 without worrying about it when he decides on a look and doesn’t choose shoes. I think the biggest advantage of the Mocassin 180 is its versatility to dress up in both suits and casual attire.I asked Dong Kyu, who likes J.M. Weston and likes to wear Chelsea Boots as well as Mocassin 180, how he felt while wearing J.M. Weston.”Like Weston, which was created by combining American manufacturing methods and French spirit, I like to coordinate Japanese Weshouse denim, sports coat and Weston with American Levi’s motif. Rather than creating standards for casual and formal clothes, I often reflect my free thoughts in coordination as if I were conducting without standards in my head. I suggest you experience Weston, which allows you to create this kind of freedom.”Golf 641 Black Box CalfNext, the first time, I’m a photo programmer, Minmin, Minmin.Minmin is always enjoying the best view of our best view, who is always enjoying the best view of the standby.You can enjoy the street fashion, and I am looking for your shoes that can use the style of congratulations, and the answer was also the answer to the right of the Weston’s Golf641.As a picture of the photo, the Widescreen PALACE knit, the Widescreen PALACE knit, and knees.The faint light and atmosphere of the Golf641 is added to the street fashion that matches the white socks.In fact, you can enjoy various fashion style, such as City Boy Look, Street, street, street, street, street, street, street, street, street, street, street, street.The shoes that were the exclusive of men who enjoy classical fashion, and the shoes that representative of these boundaries, and the shoes that representative to destroy such boundary.Chelsea Boots 705 Black Box CalfNext is the Chelsea Boots 705 Black Boxcalf model that I cherish the most and wear a lot in the store.I choose Chelsea Boots 705 without hesitation when I want to look cool, when I want to look a little more masculine.I like these shoes so much that I want to wear Chelsea boots. At first, I thought it was disappointing that the last one was wider than the silhouette I wanted, but when I actually wore it, I found the last one more attractive because there was no restriction on comfortable wear and styling even if I wore it for a long time.I especially like black clothes this A/W season. It seems that on the day you decide on styling in black, you have to choose Chelsea without hesitation. The well-managed black box-type luster and Weston’s sleek shape give you the finishing touch when you’re trying to create a heavier-than-usual styling.I especially like black clothes this A/W season. It seems that on the day you decide on styling in black, you have to choose Chelsea without hesitation. The well-managed black box-type luster and Weston’s sleek shape give you the finishing touch when you’re trying to create a heavier-than-usual styling.That doesn’t mean it’s only suitable for heavy moods. It’s not awkward to match a light shirt with denim or a rough tweed jacket like Dong Kyu.If you wear it with black jeans, it even makes your legs look longer:) Chelsea boots may be a little inconvenient to take off your shoes at first, but due to the nature of the side-gore specification product, you can easily take off your shoes in a short time. As such, Western Chelsea is a model that boasts an elegant but never noticeable feel compared to a slightly burdensome shape, and I would like to recommend this item to my customers confidently.J. I saw the most bad thing I saw that the most favorite content, I saw that the most favorite content.I thought it was a picture of my love, so I was a photo of my love, and I had a photo.J.Wreston Boxalf itself is very good leather, so it is not necessary.I will go and take a high-day care of the sun care and cream.Care method is made by using a rough material brush with a rough material brush to the whole cloth before making the makeup, so that the whole shoe is applied to the whole shoe.In addition, in the case of these black-colored shoe products, if the outer sole is peeled off and the skin appears, it feels that it interferes with the atmosphere of the product, and generally takes care of the outer sole. Adjust the color of the outsole to the overall color by wiping the outsole with a cloth coated with black cream.Of course, it would be better if you could give me professional care, but for me, who usually neglects shoe care, I think it is enough to bring out such a simple care alone. Seeing your favorite shoes well taken care of makes you feel better and lighter for no reason. I took the last picture with that feeling.Our random work staff is trying to introduce good brand and products.In particular, I think that I would like to introduce your love and show you to see the good response to us.This is always happy when you introduce J.M Weston, you always enjoy the product.M Weston.Because I have a loving experience, I can recommend you to do our shoes.Thank you for reading the long sentence.If you want to wear a J.M Weston, please visit random work.https://randomwalk.co.kr/index.html덤크워랜着New Adam Release Carf 501010101010101010101010101010101010101010 68,000 원Adam Release Carf 50101010101010101 White 68,000Ardele release carf 50100 Green 68,000 Green 68,000Ar release carf 50100 Black 68,000 원Ar release carf 5011111111116 King 446,000 원Array Release Card 47971D Layer 2 244,000 원 Shetlander Shaggy Dog Crewネックセーター Strawberberberberberberberberbet… 195,000,randomwalk.co.kr랜덤워크New Adam Lease Calf 50102 Kings Navy 68,000 원 Adam Lease Calf 50101 White 68,000원 Adam Lease Calf 50100 Green 68,000원 Adam Lease Calf 50100 Black 68,000 원 Adam Lease Calf 50116 Kings Navy 446,000 원 Adam Lease Calf 47971 Drakes Navy 244,000 원 Shetlander Shaggy Dog Crewネックセーター Strawberberberberberberberberbet… 195,000,randomwalk.co.krBrand – J.M. WESTONJ.M. WESTONrandomwalk.co.krBrand – J.M. WESTONJ.M. WESTONrandomwalk.co.kr

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