It’s much easier than the national technical qualification Gamhwal and Word, but is the question type similar?National technical qualifications, computer activities, and word-taking will be easier if reserved
It’s much easier than the national technical qualification Gamhwal and Word, but is the question type similar?National technical qualifications, computer activities, and word-taking will be easier if reserved

Recently, companies are focusing on their ability rather than their background, and are trying to hire people who have sufficient knowledge of practical work in advance.In order to show my competitiveness, it is important to gain practical experience before preparing for a job, and it is better to prepare a certificate related to practical work in advance to create my own strengths differentiated from others.
Recently, not only job seekers but also elementary, middle and high school students are continuing their efforts to obtain various certificates, but especially students who are interested in ITQ are seen around them.Personally, I think it would be good to be interested in IT PLUS, which is a test of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, which has high credibility in qualification tests.This is because IP PLUS is much easier than the national technology certificate, computer utilization and word processing, but the problem types are similar. If you get IT PLUS, it will be much easier to do computer activities and get word certificates.

As some of you may be new to IT PLUS, IT PLUS understands and evaluates the overall functions of Hangul, Excel, PowerPoint, and Access, which are mainly used by companies to measure documentation and documenting/calculation/analyzing, presentation tool production and database management.This is a computer-related certificate that even elementary school students can obtain in the official national certification test of the Ministry of Science, ICT and Technology.
Test subjects include IT+ word processing, IT+ spreadsheets, IT+ presentations, IT+ database practical tests, and IT+ information utilization knowledge written tests.By the way, the criteria for determining acceptance vary depending on the level divided into five levels, so I think it would be better to take a closer look at the desired level of acceptance and respond to the test.

If a person has obtained a first and second level certificate of word processing and computer utilization, it is considered better to obtain ITPLUS instead of ITQ because it will be given an exceptional exemption from word processing, database, and spreadsheet subjects.Also, the fact that the price is low.IT PLUS has 1 subject (15,000), 2 subject (29:000) and 3 subject (42,000), and there seems to be no more cost-effective working certificate in terms of price and benefits.
IT PLUS is conducted in the form of regular tests twice a year.The second schedule for 2019 is that applications will start on October 31, so why don’t you remember the application date and prepare for the exam in advance?By the way, if you use the mobile app Cocham Pass, you can easily check the results from the examination reception 🙂
資格名:IT Plus(IT+並行表記)/Level 1~5検定手数料 – 筆記:10,000ウォン – 実技:(1科目)15,000ウォン、(2科目)29,000ウォン、(3科目)42,000ウォン、(4科目)54,000ウォン 資格取得確認書:無料(インターネット発行)資格証発行費:訪問申請3,500ウォン、オンライン申請3,100ウォン、再発行3,000ウォン(ただし、郵便申請時の登記郵便料2,450ウォン追加)定期試験払い戻し規定○受付期間内の払い戻し申請:50%試験締め切り前の受付期間内の払い戻し申請:50%会議所代表者:パク·ヨンマン 住所:ソウル特別市中区世宗大路39 商議会館 大韓商工会議所顧客センター:02-2102-3600 登録番号:第2011-0772号 資格種類:国家公認資格(科学技術情報Communications Department No. 2018-7)
It is also worth noting that we will give Starbucks or Baskin Robinskupon to 100 people through lottery for those who share their determination, will, test preparation and test-related photos (video) on their SNS.Event Period 2019.06.28 (Fri) – 2019.08.11 (Sun) Anyone from elementary school students to adults can participate!EVENT Announcement Wednesday, August 21, 2019, Individual Shipping (Payment) EVENT Gift – Special Heat Worker [Certification] Award (30 people): Baskin Robbins 31 pint Exchange Ticket – Smart Heat Worker [Certification] Award (70 people): Starbucks Ice Americano Tall 1 cup 100100 people must be selected.Go to see the IT PLUS certificate in detail.Go to see the IT PLUS certificate in detail.●/●●●●●●●●●-ANDROI_SSUNG.BLOG.MECopyRight2019 Ski Papa AllRightsReserved.